Wednesday, November 26, 2014

God Is Love!!!

In the days of Noha God punished human race for their unrighteous deeds.
They had all chance while Noha was making that  boat , though in natural it wasn't  making any sense.  

An old man is making a boat proclaiming vengeance of God that was to come upon the all the earth in form of massive flood! A flood !!!
Flood what is that? They had never head rain.

A boat! what it is used for ? this old man has gone crazy , he has nothing else to do , he lost his mind or perhaps these days he drink too much of vine…. look how his entire house hold has bought his crazy idea or may be all of them have lost their minds.
This must be the kind or ridicule Noha and his entire family had to go through. I can imagine  how the whole town even their relative and the people form nearby villages must have gathered  to watch Noha working on ark and mock him. This must be a usual intertainment for the people of that time.
All this must never had been easy for Noha in continue doing his first ever boat of the world  project, in faith towards an unseen God . Who demanded form him to do something that doesn’t make any sense, something that will test his faith over human reasoning. In the end we all know how this all  ended in a great disastrous and  all most extinction of life any kind on our very planet Earth.
Flood did come, rain did fall and all  except Noha’s family perished.
Some perished in pride, some in the pleasures this world offers, some even in ignorance and I believe unfortunately some weren’t even aware of what's going to hit them.
People do say that old testament is shadow of the New testament.
All that happened in past was to teach us of end days in which we now live.
What was the sin in the days of Noha. It was sin of unbelief. God’s intentions were not to destroy human race. Had it been so He would have sent flood not the instruction to make a giant boat. How many of us  know if we want to harm some one we send troops not a messenger. A surprise attack not a mass display of intent.
It has been God’s heart desire that all should come to saving grace and live.He is a loving God and  form the garden of Eden to this day He desires our benefit and extreme good.

God is a father heart, He is a Loving God!!!

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8

  And in this we know the love of God that he sent his only son to die for us. This is what God desires for us "that all should be saved and live a life of abundance and fulfillment."

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

  What are we gonna do about it. Jesus loved us and died for us.  All we got to do is just say 

Jesus I accept the price you paid for me and I thank you for your extreme love towards me. I want to be set free of my won self and all that in not from you. I want to know you and respond to your love and be all you want me to be.



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