Monday, December 17, 2012

Blue Fairy and Jesus

One day I watched movie “Artificial Intelligence”. 
  I thought what happen if God might just be like that Blue Fairy to whom David kept praying for 2000 years ? He watched her form a distance for over 2000 years and prayed, but she won't answer, she kept smiling submerged underwater... 
David was a advance robot. Especially designed to love and feel. He was abandoned by the family, which brought him home when their child was in coma to fill the gap of that child but was soon abandoned once their child was whole and came back to family.
Now David the robot deeply in love with the mother he wanted her to love him. but since he is a robot (abandoned because of been robot) he thinks if some how he could become the real boy the mother will take him back and love him like her son.
He heard a story during his stay with the family. He heard of Pinocchio the wood puppet and a sweet Blue Fairy. The Blue Fairy in love for Pinocchio she made this wood puppet a real boy. Now David the machine boy had this strong belief like the way fairy the blue one made the puppet Pinocchio a real boy if David ask blue fairy she will make him a real boy.
Well making the long story short David did find the blue Fairy. She was submerged in water (only a statue) and this poor robot sat in front of her and kept praying for 2000 years.
 "Fairy please make me a real boy" but  she kept smiling with not utterance and answer to David’s prayer.
Well just think some point.
1:-That was robot who was limited to his programing and robotic understanding prayed to a statue of a fairy, a comic character believing to get answers to prayers, but we indigenous human been with full capacity to understand, comprehend, analyze, feel and react still miss on this simple fact that God our maker is a living God. He made us not we made Him nor can we.
Think of our earthly of bodily fathers if we make comic character and call that our father, how much furious our father would be and how much we will insult him if we do so?
If so much is with our earthly father how much more it will impact to our God the heavenly Feather.
2:- God is not distance. He is our loving father. He love to give us the rightful desires of our hearts. He won’t make us go in to an unstoppable anguish where we are LONELY, DESPAIR AND HOPELESS and crying out to God the Father for help and He won't answer. Bible tells us that God in near to those who call unto Him.
Can you identify yourself? I could, when I was doomed in various troubles and looked for those I thought are gods for help, waited patiently just for some relief/answers that never came. I too felt like David stuck in repetition of those endless chants of expectations. I couldn't have gone that long like David, inc fact my life could have ended long before. Note because of limit of human age as it is indeed but situations of life must have killed me  but thanks God! Jesus found me. 
Now you know why I love Jesus because I have no one to look for. Because one exist But Him.. JESUS.. "Jesus Christ is the Overseer of souls" 1Peter 1 Peter 2:25  

 Just call out to Him.. Say God I want you. He will be right there for you. Say I want to know you, pray make me the man you want me to be. I invite you in my heart.

Write back to me after this prayer.. Go for wonderful experience with God.
But even if you don't believe God is still good and He loves us.

"He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." Matthew 5:45 

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